How We Can Help
Hyde Park Investment can help you to navigate the various organisational and statutory issues related to the Alternative Investment Managers Directive (AIFMD), the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive and the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA).
Through an extensive network of service providers and regulatory consultants aided by our own knowledge and expertise of the European market we can offer guidance over a variety of topics that will help you reach your goals in the most effective way.
The various provisions of the AIFM Directive may seem a barrier to doing business in the EU for offshore products. At Hyde Park Investment we can assist you developing a strategic marketing plan, understanding the regulatory issues or seeking a suitable service provider for Annex IV reporting or depositary services.
In the same way we can provide guidance in the UCITS space whether it be regarding independent UCITS launch providers or platforms suitable for your product. Our advice can help prevent you making choices at the structuring stage, which could severely impact the potential marketability of your product in Europe.
We have close relationships with Swiss representative agents who can help your fund to comply with the CISA Directive, thereby allowing Hyde Park to fully distribute your fund to its wide range of clients in Switzerland.
As Hyde Park Investment we always strive for long term partnerships with our managers; we aim to become your outsourced marketing arm, your eyes and ears on the ground allowing you to distribute across our region in a manner that is not only compliant with regulations, but pragmatic, flexible and cost effective.