Rockefeller AM shortlisted for 2021 PRI Awards for ‘ESG Improvers – an alpha-enhancing factor’


From Rockefeller Asset Management, ‘We’re delighted to have been shortlisted for the 2021 PRI Awards in the ESG incorporation initiative category with our project, “ESG Improvers – an alpha enhancing factor”. We believe that investors will increasingly differentiate between ESG Leaders and Improvers – firms showing the greatest improvement in their ESG footprint – and … Continued

Income Research + Management – the Portfolio Construction Process


‘There are elements of science and sequence, and also some “art.” Characteristics such as duration, key rate exposures, option-adjusted spread duration, yield, and tracking error are often targeted at the portfolio level, while the actual components – the underlying bonds themselves – can vary.’ Link: The Process (Portfolio Construction) – Income Research + Management

IR+M: Will the Real Rate Please Stand Up?


Incisive US Fixed Income analysis from Income Research + Management’s Sr PM Jake Remley: ‘Will the Real Rate Please Stand Up?’ ‘A heavyweight fight is brewing, and fixed-income investors sit ringside.  Interest rate Bulls have the steepness of the yield curve, threats to global growth from COVID variants, and labor market slack in their corner.  Interest rate Bears … Continued

Presenting Everwood Capital – 5th Solar Fund


Hyde Park Investment is proud to be representing Everwood Capital, a renewable infrastructure fund manager. They are currently on their Fund V Solar fund. Fund I, II and III raised E150m, Fund IV raised E300m. They have a strong local team with extensive investment and operational experience in infrastructure, M&A and photovoltaic power generation. They … Continued

Vektor Partners – 4th Investment in the Mobility Space: NoTraffic


Vektor Partners, an expert VC that invests in the mobility revolution, announce a 4th investment alongside Nielsen Ventures in NoTraffic – traffic management system. It’s green too and significantly reduces wait times/emissions. Vektor’s footprint includes Palo Alto, Israel, Berlin, London. They’re on the Board of all their investments. Link: NoTraffic – Revolutionising Traffic Management

VI Partners Portfolio Company Xeltis breaks ground in Heart Reconstruction


VI Partners has the longest track record of any VC team in Switzerland, 4 founding partners working together since 2002 to invest in tech and healthcare. Exciting development in heart reconstruction in portfolio co Xeltis: First Ever Trial Synthetic Restorative Pulmonary Heart Valve