Mark Mobius Warns US Interest Rates Will it 9% if Inflation Persists- Bloomberg
Link: Mark Mobius Warns US Interest Rates Will Hit 9% If Inflation Persists – Bloomberg
Link: Mark Mobius Warns US Interest Rates Will Hit 9% If Inflation Persists – Bloomberg
“”We are looking for solutions,” (Co-Portfolio Manager) Thomas said. “We think that this is the part of the market that is likely to generate outsized returns going forward. It’s the part of the market that is leading in emerging technologies and disruptive business models. We would rather have pure-play exposure to the thematic rather than … Continued
US lawmakers have passed ..’a series of acts this year that contain provisions designed to spur more retirement savings.’ The Bill needs to be voted on by the Senate; it includes the following: • Increase the maximum annual contribution for retirement accounts by $4,000. • Increase the age when you must begin required minimum distributions. … Continued
Welcome to Maple-Brown Abbott’s Global Listed Infrastructure! Please see their new 3-part series of thought leadership analysing governments’ challenges to balance security, energy & sustainability. Link: The Energy Trilemma
‘…Green hydrogen has been cheaper than liquefied natural gas delivered by tanker in much of Europe this year, providing a clear signal to hydrogen investors.’ There is a dizzying pace of innovation and developments in clean Hydrogen: please see article:
‘As we hang on to the final days of summer, we know that “winter is coming,” and we are insulating our portfolios from the chilling effects of a natural gas market that is on fire.’ Link: Winter is Coming – Income Research + Management
For full list please see:
The IR+M Core Plus Composite turned five on 7/31/2022! As IR+M reflects on 35+ years as a firm, with a consistent bottom-up, duration-neutral approach to active fixed income investment management, they’ve reached a new milestone in their Core Plus journey. As part of the anniversary outreach, Ed Ingalls, Senior Investment Product Specialist, sat down with … Continued
From Dr. Azlen, Founder of Carbon Cap Management, ‘New information on the acceleration in methane emissions. We are triggering multiple positive feedback mechanisms with each small increase in temperature. I have studied these mechanisms deeply and they combine to create a powerful increase in emissions. We must reduce emissions at large scale and then turn … Continued
Mobius Capital Partners’ PM Carlos Hardenberg spent 10 days in Brazil – please see his blog ‘Entering the Kingdom of Monetary Sobriety’ and his observations on the economy and tech/digitisation. Link: