NEWS! Banca Finnat and Hyde Park Investment International Ltd signed a cooperation agreement


NEWS! Banca Finnat and Hyde Park Investment International Ltd signed a cooperation agreement this week for Capital Introduction activities in the Italian and Italian-Swiss institutional markets. As before Paolo Ubaldini will carry out and coordinate these activities, alongside the support of salespeople from Banca Finnat’s Institutional Client Services department. We look forward to working with … Continued

Mobius Capital Partners: Podcast episode 4 on Generative AI – Exploring its potential for delivering sustainable returns & making an Impact


‘In the fourth episode of ‘Insiders and Outliers’, Carlos Hardenberg, founder and portfolio manager of MCP, goes beyond the hype surrounding Gen-AI to explore its potential for delivering sustainable returns and making a truly meaningful impact on our lives. He explains the critical role that emerging markets play in the Gen-AI ecosystem, highlighting various portfolio … Continued

MBA Global Listed Infra: Hydro Gen tour provides Invaluable Insights


Link: Hydro generation site tour provides invaluable insights | Maple-Brown Abbott Global Listed Infrastructure From Maple-Brown Abbott: ‘Georgia Hall (ESG Analyst) and Amelia Campbell (Analyst) recently attended a site trip to a hydro generation asset owned and operated by Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE). Visiting company management and touring infrastructure assets is crucial for our … Continued

Mobius Capital Partner’s PM Carlos Hardenberg awarded a A Rating


From MCP: ‘We are delighted to announce that MCP’s portfolio manager, Carlos Hardenberg, has been awarded an A rating in Citywire’s new investment trust manager list. Carlos’ rating reflects MCP’s hard work in effective stock-selection with down-side risk, and our commitment to maximising shareholder returns. Last month, Citywire expanded their manager rating system to include … Continued

Maple-Brown Abbott – The Growth of Data Centers & Impact on the Portfolio


Maple-Brown Abbott’s newest think piece, written by ESG Analyst Georgia Hall, on the huge amount of electricity that is required to power data centres. From PM Steven Kempler ‘..Our portfolio has sizeable allocation to regulated electric utilities where we believe valuations are not yet fully reflecting the underappreciated structural growth tailwinds which could persist for … Continued